Triceps Exercises (Part 1) - Workout Routine

Triceps Exercises, Upper Body, Best Workout, Muscle Groups, Strong,, workout,, Workout Routine

#1. Triceps Exercises - Bench Dips

- For this exercise you will need to place a bench behind your back. With the bench perpendicular to your body, and while looking away from it, hold on to the bench on its edge with the hands fully extended, separated at shoulder width. The legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting position.
- Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees between the upper arm and the forearm. Tip: Keep the elbows as close as possible throughout the movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.
- Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variations: You can place your legs on top of another flat bench in front of you in order to make the exercise more challenging. If that variation also becomes easy, then you can have a partner place plates on top of your lap. Make sure that in this case the partner ensures that the weights stay there throughout the movement.

#2. Triceps Exercises - Band Skull Crusher

- Secure a band to the base of a rack or the bench. Lay on the bench so that the band is lined up with your head.
- Take hold of the band, raising your elbows so that the upper arm is perpendicular to the floor. With the elbow flexed, the band should be above your head. This will be your starting position.
- Extend through the elbow to straighten your arm, keeping your upper arm in place. Pause at the top of the motion, and return to the starting position.

#3. Triceps Exercises - Bench Press - Powerlifting

- Begin by lying on the bench, getting your head beyond the bar if possible. Tuck your feet underneath you and arch your back. Using the bar to help support your weight, lift your shoulder off the bench and retract them, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Use your feet to drive your traps into the bench. Maintain this tight body position throughout the movement.
- However wide your grip, it should cover the ring on the bar. Pull the bar out of the rack without protracting your shoulders. Focus on squeezing the bar and trying to pull it apart.
- Lower the bar to your lower chest or upper stomach. The bar, wrist, and elbow should stay in line at all times.
- Pause when the barbell touches your torso, and then drive the bar up with as much force as possible. The elbows should be tucked in until lockout.

#4. Triceps Exercises - Bench Press with Chains

- Adjust the leader chain, shortening it to the desired length.Place the chains on the sleeves of the bar.
- Lying on the bench, get your head beyond the bar if possible. Tuck your feet underneath you and arch your back. Using the bar to help support your weight, lift your shoulder off the bench and retract them, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Use your feet to drive your traps into the bench. Maintain this tight body position throughout the movement. However wide your grip, it should cover the ring on the bar.
- Pull the bar out of the rack without protracting your shoulders. Focus on squeezing the bar and trying to pull it apart. Lower the bar to your lower chest or upper stomach. The bar, wrist, and elbow should stay in line at all times.
- Pause when the barbell touches your torso, and then drive the bar up with as much force as possible. The elbows should be tucked in until lockout.

#5. Triceps Exercises - Board Press

- Begin by lying on the bench, getting your head beyond the bar if possible. One to five boards, made out of 2x6's, can be screwed together and held in place by a training partner, bands, or just tucked under your shirt.
- Tuck your feet underneath you and arch your back. Using the bar to help support your weight, lift your shoulder off the bench and retract them, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Use your feet to drive your traps into the bench. Maintain this tight body position throughout the movement.
- You can take a standard bench grip, or shoulder width to focus on the triceps. Pull the bar out of the rack without protracting your shoulders. The bar, wrist, and elbow should stay in line at all times. Focus on squeezing the bar and trying to pull it apart.
- Lower the bar to the boards, and then drive the bar up with as much force as possible. The elbows should be tucked in until lockout.

#6. Triceps Exercises - Body Tricep Press

- Position a bar in a rack at chest height.
- Standing, take a shoulder width grip on the bar and step a yard or two back, feet together and arms extended so that you are leaning on the bar. This will be your starting position.
- Begin by flexing the elbow, lowering yourself towards the bar.
- Pause, and then reverse the motion by extending the elbows.
- Progress from bodyweight by adding chains over your shoulders.

#7. Triceps Exercises - Body Triceps Press Using Flat Bench

- With your body perpendicular to a flat bench, extend your feet well out from the bench, gripping the edge with your hands just outside shoulder width. The top of your head should be about 6 inches behind the plane of the bench̢۪s front edge. This will be your starting position.
- Keep your body rigid, bending at the elbows to slowly lower your head so that it dips below the bench to fully stretch your triceps. Your body should almost be in a straight line just above the floor.
- Contract your triceps to press back up to the start position, fully extending your arms. Repeat for the designated number of reps.

#8. Triceps Exercises - Body-Up

- Assume a plank position on the ground. You should be supporting your body weight on your toes and forearms keeping your torso straight. Your forearms should be shoulder-width apart. This will be your starting position.
- Pressing your palms firmly into the ground, extend through the elbows to raise your body from the ground. Keep your torso rigid as you perform the movement.
- Slowly lower your forearms back to the ground by allowing the elbows to flex. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

#9. Triceps Exercises - Cable Incline Triceps Extension

- Lie on incline an bench facing away from a high pulley machine that has a straight bar attachment on it.
- Grasp the straight bar attachment overhead with a pronated (overhand; palms down) narrow grip (less than shoulder width) and keep your elbows tucked in to your sides. Your upper arms should create around a 25 degree angle when measured from the floor.
- Keeping the upper arms stationary, extend the arms as you flex the triceps. Breathe out during this portion of the movement and hold the contraction for a second.
- Slowly go back to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variations: You can also use an angled attachment or a rope attachment as well. Finally, you can perform one arm at a time by using a single handle attachment.

#10. Triceps Exercises - Cable Lying Triceps Extension

- Lie on a flat bench and grasp the straight bar attachment of a low pulley with a narrow overhand grip. Tip: The easiest way to do this is to have someone hand you the bar as you lay down.
- With your arms extended, position the bar over your torso. Your arms and your torso should create a 90-degree angle. This will be your starting position.
- Lower the bar by bending at the elbow while keeping the upper arms stationary and elbows in. Go down until the bar lightly touches your forehead. Breathe in as you perform this portion of the movement.
- Flex the triceps as you lift the bar back to its starting position. Exhale as you perform this portion of the movement.
- Hold for a second at the contracted position and repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variations: You can also perform this exercise with a barbell, an E-Z bar, an E-Z bar cable attachment, and dumbbells.




Workout Up: Triceps Exercises (Part 1) - Workout Routine
Triceps Exercises (Part 1) - Workout Routine
Triceps Exercises, Upper Body, Best Workout, Muscle Groups, Strong,, workout,, Workout Routine
Workout Up
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