Advanced Yoga Poses: Techniques & Instruction (Part 6), Yoga, Advanced, Position, Health,
#51. Yoga Advanced - Lying diamond pose
Sit on your heels. Press your palms against the floor behind your back. Softly start to go down back, first on your elbows, then the crown of your head. Arch your back. You can grab your feet with your hands.
#52. Yoga Advanced - Left half-bound lotus intense stretch pose
Stand up straight. Bend your left leg and put your left foot on your right thigh, as close to your groin as you can. Grab your left big toe with your right hand. Bend your torso forward. Bring your left hand behind your back and grab your left toe. Bend your torso further forward. Put your right hand first on the floor, then on your right leg.
#53. Yoga Advanced - Intense arm left stretch pose
Put your feet apart at your leg length. Stretch your arms to your sides. Rotate your left foot 90 degrees, and right foot 15 degrees to the left. Rotate your pelvis and torso as far left as you can. Raise your hands and arch backwards a bit. Start bending your torso towards your left leg stretching your torso and arms forward. Put your hands on the mat and lift your left toes. Arch a little trying to move your stomach closer to your thigh. Keep both your legs straight. Look straight.
#54. Yoga Advanced - Upward plank pose with right leg up
Sit straight with bent legs. Press your palms against the floor behind your back, your fingers pointing towards you. Take the table position. Straighten your legs. Raise your straight right leg. Extend your shoulder blades towards each other. Look up.
#55. Yoga Advanced - Bridge pose on elbows, head hanging
Take the full bridge pose. Gradually go down onto your elbows. Pushing with your feet, move your weight onto your hands. Tilt your head backward, then lower it more.
#56. Yoga Advanced - Wrist-grab right bend
Stand up straight with your feet at your hips' width. Raise your left arm through you side as you inhale and bend to the right as you exhale. Grab you left wrist with your right hand. Keep the position with your side muscles.
#57. Yoga Advanced - Peacock pose parallel to the floor
Go down on your knees. Put your palms on the floor close to each other, your fingers pointing toward yourself. Tighten your abs and press your stomach against your elbows, keeping the abs tense. Move your body weight forward. You can lower your forehead to the floor. Try to raise your feet from the floor, then your head. Balance on your hands parallel to the floor.
#58. Yoga Advanced - Crane pose with left leg up
Squat down. Put your palms on the floor and straighten your legs. Press your knees against your shoulder bone closer to your armpits. Move your weight forward to your arms and try to lift your feet from the floor. Balance on your hands. Lower your head on the mat and try to straighten your left leg up.
#59. Yoga Advanced - Chair pose on toes, knees together
Stand up straight, your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms forward. Rise on your toes and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Simultaneously bring your knees together. Keep your back straight and your torso bent a bit forward.
#60. Yoga Advanced - Wrist-grab left bend
Stand up straight with your feet at your hips' width. Raise your right arm through you side as you inhale and bend to the left as you exhale. Grab you right wrist with your left hand. Keep the position with your side muscles.